Cherrie & Yugi's Puppies 


Snemark's Miss Cherrie

Anatina Voyage-Voyage (Yugi)



HIP status: B     Eyes: OK

HIP status: A     Eyes: OK

Cherrie & Yugi was paired in December 2000. On the 21th February 2001 Cherrie gave birth to 6 puppies. 
3 male & 3 female.  

Clik on the Photo to get the pedigree etc.


Clik on the Photo, to go to the puppy's owe side

Chesamo's Attila
of Yugi
Chesamo's Ann-Lucca
of Yugi
Chesamo's Ayo
of Yugi
copyright copyright copyright


Chesamo's Almonzo
of Yugi
Chesamo's Ammie
of Yugi
Chesamo's Azeem
of Yugi
copyright copyright copyright

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